Kendo logo

Kendo is a global beauty brand incubator

We were hired to produce, shoot& retouch their Marc Jacobs 2017 marketing visuals
following brand guidelines and style


PhotoStudio - Cove26

Production : SFDS

Photographer : SFDS

Light& Style: Jimmy tsang

Color & Post: SFDS




Dockers a refined men's clothing company,
from Levi Strauss & Co.


Dockers hired us to produce, shoot
& retouch their marketing campaigns
for the past 10 years


Levis Strauss is an iconic global Denim & fashion brand

We were hired to produce, shoot& retouch licensed products for their multi brand sales catalog

PhotoStudio - Cove26

Production : SFDS

Photographer: SFDS

Color & Post: SFDS



PhotoStudio - Cove26

Production : SFDS

Photographer: SFDS

Color & Post: SFDS



Blue Goji is a wellness technology startup company that
is focused on improving the health of our users. Through fitness gamification.

We were hired to produce, shoot& retouch products for e-com &  marketing


PhotoStudio - Cove26

Production : SFDS

Photographer : SFDS

Light& Style: SFDS

Color & Post: SFDS
